At-home workout
With gyms being closed, there’s no reason why you can’t still get a great workout at home! Come join me for some of my favorite workouts you can do in your pajamas!
With gyms being closed, there’s no reason why you can’t still get a great workout at home! Come join me for some of my favorite workouts you can do in your pajamas!
Instead of making New Year’s Resolutions you never keep, come read how to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle year-round!
Workout routines are great, it’s what keeps you consistent. But it can also be what ends up boring you. Read how to switch things up and avoid hitting that pesky plateau!
Working out, Spartan Races, Mud Runs, and more! How do you get your heart racing?
The definition of a “real woman” has nothing to do with her size or physical appearance. Real women recognize other women’s worth along with their own, no matter what size they are. They eat cheeseburgers, they work out, they are naturally slim, they are voluptuous, they are plus-size, and they love themselves. They have integrity, they are strong, they are kind to others, but most of all, they absolutely never make snide comments about the body type of another woman in order to feel better about themselves.