Well, hello there, hikers (and peeps buying gifts for hikers)!
Shopping for outdoor winter gear can be overwhelming. We’ve all heard of the expensive well-known outdoor brands, and while these brands do offer quality products, not all of us can afford the price tag that comes with it.
No fear, my bargain-shopping friends, I got you.
You’ll find the best AFFORDABLE winter clothing for hikers below!*
*Not only is every item located conveniently on Amazon (hello Prime!), I also personally own and wear each one, so I stand by each product!
Be prepared to have your mind blown.
When it comes to winter clothing for hikers, these shirts WORK. That means they keep you toasty warm, they aren’t bulky, and you still have a full range of motion to climb all those mountains.
They come in packs of 2 (2 different colors). They’re cheap in price, but not cheap in quality.
If you notice in the above photo, I rolled up the sleeves because I was hot, and (as I’m sure you can tell from the snow) it wasn’t exactly warm outside. That means they work exactly as advertised.
2-Pack Thermal shirts: $22.98
Made for temps down to -20°, these jackets are a complete game-changer. They actually fit (not boxy like most winter coats) and they’re both cute AND functional! Lots of pockets and even fleece-lined pockets for your hands!
Truth: I own 7 Arctix coats, 3 pairs of snow pants, and a pair of gloves. You could say I like the Arctix line a whole bunch.
Buying one of their coats will literally change your life. That is all.
Actix Jacket: $70 – $172
Let’s just pause and talk about how I had ONE bad experience with fleece leggings and I assumed they were all the same way. In that experience, the leggings were super bulky and the inside shed so bad!
Had I known about these, I would’ve bought them YEARS ago! On the outside, they 100% look like your standard high-quality, fitted leggings, but don’t let that fool you! The inside is so incredibly soft and crazy warm! I loved the first pair I bought so much that I now own 4 pairs.
Buy the leggings.
Leggings: $30.99
I know, I look like a mean girl with a beak. Let’s move on.
Anyone who’s been out and about in the winter air knows that you can wear as many layers as you want, but when your face is exposed to the elements it basically freezes in place. These things keep your face so warm! They can be used as neck warmers, gaiters, windproof face coverings, and even beanies! Super cheap and come in a pack of 4 with different colors!
Pack of 4: $16.99
Keep in mind that these aren’t full snow gloves, but they absolutely do protect your hands from the elements. Not only do they block the cold and wind, they’re also touch-screen compatible! That means you can use any of your touch-screen devices without having to take your gloves off!
Touch-Screen Winter Gloves: $11.99
Listen, guys. I do own these Columbia Hiking boots, and while they are great, I’m going to say some fighting words here: they fit about the same and are just as durable for HALF the price.
The bonus: not only is the price tag better, but these bad boys are fur-lined so they keep your feet WAY warmer than any hiking boots I’ve ever worn. I heart them very much.
Winter Hiking Boots: $41.99
Cold weather hiking hack: wool socks. All the wool socks.
This particular sock by Carhartt keeps you warm, dry, and protected in all environments, even extreme cold.
Acrylic/Merino Wool blend regulates temperature so you’re comfortable no matter where you are. They’re fully cushioned in the foot and lower leg for maximum comfort and protection. Stay warm with less bulk! (That means your boots still fit. You’re welcome.)
I wear these with regular boots & jeans in the winter as well as hiking boots!
Cold Weather socks: $9.99
I’m not sure when CC beanies first became a thing, but I’m pretty sure I’ve been buying them since their creation. If you check out my Instagram feed, pretty much every cold-weather photo features me in a different color CC beanie. That’s because I literally have an entire drawer full of them and I’m obsessed.
Color variety 3-pack CC Beanies: $24.99
And along the lines of cold weather hiking, please remember to

Click below to check out my blog post on recommended emergency gear you should have in your pack all the time, no matter the hiking distance. Just like this post, the emergency items are also super affordable and found on Amazon!
3 Responses
I love all the cute winter wear! You look great in them! Love the photos as well! You seem to know all the most amazing places to hike!!
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