Hiking | Lifestyle | Travel

The Rise of Influencers


When I first started my blog, not only did I not know what I was doing, I really wasn’t even sure what my actual goals were. All I knew is that I wanted to share all my amazing travels, hikes, and find a place to talk about real-life stuff.

I always considered the term “influencer” to be something super cringy. I had this image of what that person looked like and I had a lot of pre-judgements. I’d be lying if I said I still wasn’t a fan of that title.

I started my social media accounts with the goal of increasing traffic to my blog. It’s taken off pretty quickly – going from 0 followers on instagram to close to 8,000 in less than 8 months, for example. That doesn’t count my Pinterest, Facebook, and YouTube.

As I’ve grown my social media following, I’ve had more companies that I could even list reach out to me to promote their products. I probably get around 15-20 emails a day with affiliate or advertising offers. I’ve come to really enjoy this part of my blog/social media, and I’ll tell you why.

But first, let me tell you something important. One of the first things I learned when building my social media presence was the importance of a profile picture. It’s the first impression people get when they visit my account. A good profile picture helps establish credibility, makes my branad more recognizable, and gives my audience a sense of connection with me. Whether it’s a professional headshot or a candid adventure shot, the profile picture plays a huge role in making a lasting impact.

Promoting products I love

It gives me the opportunity to talk about products that I genuinely love. This also includes the opportunity to try new products, apps, etc.

I’ve been a die-hard Amazon shopper forever. I believe in 100% honest and unbiased reviews because I purchase products based on other people’s reviews every single day. For that reason, I will always be honest about every item I talk about, and won’t advertise a product I don’t use or don’t personally recommend.

Helping out smaller companies

I love when a smaller company reaches out to me. They are so genuine and sweet. They are also so extremely grateful for the photos I provide and the advertising I do. Most of these include amazing outdoor brands that make amazing hiking clothing and accessories. 

What are my "influencer" goals?

I don’t have any. Okay, that’s definitely a lie. I’d love the opportunity to travel the world, climb all the mountains, pet all the wild animals, and do it for free. I mean, who wouldn’t? Will I ever reach celebrity status like Katie Corio? (She’s a badass, by the way) Maybe? I guess we shall see where life takes me. All I know is that I’m so grateful for how far I have come since I started this journey. I’m thankful for every comment, like, share, and follow. I’m thankful for the people that take the time to read my blog posts. It really does mean the world to me.

Influencer Marketing

I do know that influencer marketing is an extremely powerful took for companies.

No matter what industry you’re in, influencer marketing is a very effective way to get that brand message out to your audience. In fact, influencers might become the most powerful tool in the marketer’s shed for some industries.


Traditional marketing is everywhere. Pop-up ads, ads between our Facebook and Instagram feeds, on the tv, and even on the sides of buses. We tend to ignore most of this type of advertising.

On the other hand, having someone personally recommend something to you comes across as more genuine and real. We are more inclined to listen and be more intrigued by the product.

For more info, read 6 Tips For Leveraging Influencer Marketing Today and Why Your 2020 Marketing Strategy Should Include Influencers. 

I love social media

"I love you, but I don't like you all of the time."

That’s actually more accurate. Some days it feels like more work than I ever wanted to sign up for, and other days I just plain love it. On Instagram especially, I have met such amazing like-minded people from all over the globe. People that I genuinely feel like I KNOW, yet I’ve never met in real life. Although I have started meeting people in person when they come visit my neck of the woods, and it’s been AMAZING! Pictured below is the amazing adventure couple @squirrelmusttravel! If you’re ever in the Southern Utah area, make sure you hit me up! I’d love to show you around. 

influencers hiking
girls hiking

What are your thoughts on the rise of influencers? Are you an influencer? Tell me in the comments!


18 Responses

  1. I think it’s so important for influcers to promote products they love. When I try something that I like I want everyone else to experience it too. However I’ve noticed many influencers get carried away by accepting partnerships from companies they’ve never used or don’t like simply because of the money and free products.

    1. I agree! I turn down around 30 companies a week. It also doesn’t make sense for a hiking/travel/adventure niche to advertise magnesium supplements or bracelets, for example, lol

  2. Wow, your following is very impressive. I hope to join you someday. When I first read the title of this post I thought it would be a great movie. Sounds like another Star Wars sequel, Rise of the Influencers! Good read, thanks.

  3. These are great! Influenced marketing is such a fun way to promote products you love while getting paid !

  4. You’re doing great! It’s wonderful that you’re having fun at work. I agree with your take that advertising is better received when it’s coming from someone we feel we relate to. Companies are quick to spot opportunity. Wishing you lots of free travel, many hikes and plenty of wild animals to keep it interesting!

    1. Oh my goodness! It’s SO much WORK! Way more than I could’ve imagined! But here I am, still plugging away somehow lol

  5. Agreed, I hate the term “influencer.” Not so much on a base level, but I can’t stand seeing someone actually list themselves as an “influencer” or “public figure.” Those people are pure cringe, and they’re the ones giving it a bad name.

    1. I couldn’t agree more! I heart you, my Instagram partner in crime.

  6. I just reached an “influencer” goal of mine and I’m super excited about it! Your posts are always so genuine and honest which is important when it comes to bloggers. Such a great blog (:

    Erika Marie |

    1. Aw, thank you, Erika! And congrats on hitting a goal!! So important to stay excited and celebrate all of our wins! You deserve it!

  7. Good post. When I first started my blog, I also didn’t know what my goals were. I just started it to sell my handmade accessories. But soon I fall in love with writing and decided to be active in blogging. I also used socmed to promote my work.

    1. That’s awesome! I’ve never heard of Socmed I’ll have to check it out!

  8. Influencer marketing is great because there are few things that can sway someone to make a purchase the way that trust and connection can. While brands can establish that level of trust, it’s more challenging than it is for an individual. For an influencer, there is that personal touch. You build a ‘relationship’ with your followers that ultimately leads to trust (assuming you’re being authentic and allow your followers to ‘get to know you’). It’s no wonder that brands are jumping on the opportunity to team up and leverage that when you consider the facts!

    1. So true! I think as long as people are being genuine in what they advertise, it can be very lucrative for businesses! Thanks for taking the time to read and your feedback!